dimanche 30 octobre 2011

État de la situation.

Il existe un groupe yahoo pour les parents ayant adopté ou en attente d'adoption à l'orphelinat de la Croix-Rouge de Danang.  La semaine passée, une américaine écrivait qu'elle revenait d'un séjour de deux semaines à l'orphelinat.  Voici son commentaire...

"The RC has changed so much since I was there last year. There are now only 10
children - all of which have a disablity accept for one sweet pea who only has a
cleft pallet but didn't seem to have any other issues. Her smile was tooooo
precious! If there were any other children there who did not have visible
issues, I didn't see them. I was told by the director that any "healthy"
children recieved are now sent to another orphanage because of a lack of
funding. There are still GVN volunteers who come and work with the kids that are
there. The director told me that the RC will not be able to receive any
"healthy" (her words) children unless adoption reopens to the US. The situation
there now breaks my heart. We brought donations and rice and formula, but there
were no children there even young enough to need formula

Comprennez-vous que l'on parle de ma fille?  Imaginez vous comment je me suis sentie ainsi que Charles?  J'ai écris à cette dame.  Je n'ai pas le droit de lui dire que Corinne est notre fille tant que le DA n'a pas approuvé le jumelage.  Elle a compris entre les lignes.  Voici ce qu'elle m'a répondu...

Hi Brigitte,

I only have one picture with your girl in it. It isn't very good because she's not looking at the camera. The nannies did not want us to take photos of the children. I attached the picture anyway just so you could see it. I remember how hard it was to wait and I treasured any photo with my daughter in it - even if she was just partially in the picture! I will tell you that your girl has a wonderful personality. Her cleft pallet does not keep her from smiling. She has a precious smile. She is very sweet and curious. Since she is the only child there with no disability I suspect she receives a lot of attention from the nannies and the volunteers who work there. My friend who went with me and I both gave her hugs and kisses. She was very curious about us and wanted our attention. She wanted our cameras and the photos we brought of other children who have been adopted from there. She will need scabies cream when you go to get her. She is covered with scabies on her ankles. There is nothing that can be done about it as long as she is in the orphanage. My daughter came home with scabies too. One application of the cream and it will take care of it. Other than the scabies she seemed really healthy. She does have a cough, but all children in the orphanages over there have that. It's nothing to be concerned about. I'm excited for you that you will be adopting from there. I work for a non-pofit organization that cares for orphans in Vietnam and every time I know of a child being adopted it makes me happy for the child and their future family. This little girl is a doll baby and you will be very blessed to be her mommy!

Qu'il est difficile d'attendre.  Je suis épuisée.

2 commentaires:

  1. Oh, Brigitte, c'est très émouvant ce que tu racontes. J'espère un dénouement très bientôt. Tiens nous informés. xx

  2. la tantine Carole dit:allo Brigitte elle semble en bonne santé tout de même! courage ca va venir! quelle chance elle aura cette petite.....
